Funeral wreaths and bouquets

Funeral floristry from live and
artificial flowers

Funeral wreathsFuneral bouquets
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Funeral wreaths and bouquets

A funeral wreath or bouquet is an integral part of any burial, an opportunity to pay last respects and tribute to the deceased and to say your final goodbyes.

Composition on the coffin

Product number: m2

Price: 60.00€

Благоустройство захоронений | venok 1

Composition on the coffin

Product number: m1

Price: 48.00€

Благоустройство захоронений | venok 2

Funeral composition

Product number: m6

Price: 36.00€

Траурная композиция_m6

Composition on the coffin

Product number: m47

Price: 48.00€

Композиция на гроб

Funeral bouquets

Product number: m11

Price: 24.00€

Траурный букет m11

Funeral bouquets

Product number: m3

Price: 30.00€

Траурный букет m3
To order call +372 51 990 840 or fill the contact form

Funeral bouquets

Product number: m63

Price: 24.00€

Траурный букет m63

Funeral bouquets

Product number: m10

Price: 18.00€

Траурный букет m10

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m12

Price: 72.00€

Траурный венок m12

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m18

Price: 114.00€

Траурный венок m18

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m26

Price: 54.00€

Траурный венок m26

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m25

Price: 78.00€

Траурный венок m25

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m20

Price: 72.00€

Траурный венок m20

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m4

Price: 72.00€

Траурный венок m4

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m21

Price: 24.00€

Траурный венок m21

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m13

Price: 62.40€

Траурный венок m13

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m16

Price: 22.00€

Траурный венок m16

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m22

Price: 72.00€

Траурный венок m22

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m23

Price: 90.00€

Траурный венок m23

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m19

Price: 114.00€

Траурный венок m19

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m22

Price: 72.00€

Траурный венок m22

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m5

Price: 114.00€

Траурный венок m5

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m17

Price: 54.00€

Траурный венок m17

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m14

Price: 126.00€

Траурный венок m14

Funeral wreaths

Product number: m24

Price: 60.00€

Траурный венок m24

Funeral wreath “Heart”

Product number: m27

Price: 78.00€

Траурный венок m27

Funeral wreath “Heart-2”

Product number: m64

Price: 144.00€

Траурный венок m64